Looking for a refreshing and smooth coffee that you can enjoy on a warm summer day? Look no further than the Ovalware Cold Brew Coffee recipe! This simple recipe is perfect for coffee lovers who want a delicious and easy-to-make cold coffee beverage.

To start off, you’ll need Ovalware’s cold brew coffee maker, which is designed to extract the rich flavors of coffee beans without the bitterness or acidity that comes with traditional brewing methods. Simply grind your favorite coffee beans and add them to the coffee maker’s filter. Then, fill the carafe with water and let the coffee steep for 12 to 24 hours, depending on your desired strength.

Once your cold brew is ready, you can serve it over ice, add milk or cream, or even mix it with your favorite flavors or sweeteners. With Ovalware’s cold brew coffee recipe, you can enjoy a smooth and delicious cup of coffee that’s perfect for any time of day.

So why wait? Grab your Ovalware cold brew coffee maker and start brewing today!

Exploring the Best Coffee Beans for Ovalware Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

Looking to take your Ovalware Cold Brew Coffee recipe to the next level? Consider using high-quality coffee beans that will enhance the rich, smooth flavor of your cold brew. When selecting beans, look for those that are roasted specifically for cold brew and have a low acidity level. Some of the best options include Indonesian and South American coffee blends, which offer rich and complex flavors that are perfect for cold brewing. You can also experiment with different roast levels, such as medium or dark, to find the perfect balance for your taste preferences. By selecting the right coffee beans for your Ovalware Cold Brew Coffee recipe, you can create a delicious and unique beverage that will impress any coffee lover.

ovalware cold brew coffee recipe

ovalware cold brew coffee recipe

moka coffee pot
The Ovalware Cold Brew Coffee recipe is a simple and refreshing way to enjoy a smooth and delicious cup of coffee. With a 12 to 24 hour steeping process, Ovalware's cold brew coffee maker extracts the rich flavors of coffee beans without the bitterness or acidity of traditional brewing methods.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 5 days 12 hours
Course beverage
Cuisine This recipe is not specific to any particular cuisine and can be enjoyed by coffee lovers worldwide.
Servings 4 servings
Calories 2 kcal


  • 1 coffee maker
  • 1 Coffee grinder
  • 1 Measuring cup


  • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee beans
  • 4 cups water


  • Grind 1 cup of coffee beans into a coarse grind.
  • Add the coffee grounds to the Ovalware cold brew coffee maker's filter.
  • Pour 4 cups of water into the carafe of the cold brew coffee maker.
  • Place the filter into the carafe and screw on the lid.
  • Let the coffee steep for 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator.
  • After the coffee has steeped, remove the filter and discard the grounds.
  • Pour the cold brew coffee over ice and enjoy.


Nutritional Values:
The nutritional values for Ovalware Cold Brew Coffee may vary based on the type of coffee beans used. However, on average, a cup of cold brew coffee contains approximately 2 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of carbohydrates.
Any Additional Notes/Tips to Enhance the Flavor of the Recipe:
To enhance the flavor of Ovalware Cold Brew Coffee, consider using high-quality coffee beans that are specifically roasted for cold brewing. You can also experiment with different flavorings, such as cinnamon or vanilla extract, to add a unique twist to your cold brew. Additionally, adding a splash of milk or cream can provide a creamy and smooth texture to your drink.
Keyword ovalware cold brew coffee recipe

Mastering the Art of Cold Brew Coffee Filtration

While Ovalware’s cold brew coffee maker makes it easy to create a smooth and delicious cold brew, the filtration process can be a bit tricky. To ensure that your cold brew is free of sediment and grounds, it’s important to use the right filtration method. One option is to use a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain the coffee after it’s brewed. Another option is to use a paper filter, which will help to remove any remaining particles. To achieve the perfect filtration, try experimenting with different methods and materials to find what works best for you. With a little bit of practice, you can master the art of cold brew coffee filtration and enjoy a delicious cup of Ovalware Cold Brew Coffee every time.


How long should I steep the coffee in the Ovalware cold brew coffee maker?

The coffee should steep for 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator to extract the rich flavors without the bitterness or acidity of traditional brewing methods.

What type of coffee beans should I use for the Ovalware cold brew coffee recipe?

Coarsely ground coffee beans are recommended for this recipe, and high-quality coffee beans that are specifically roasted for cold brewing will enhance the flavor.

Can I use regular tap water for the Ovalware cold brew coffee recipe?

Yes, you can use regular tap water for this recipe. However, filtered water may improve the taste and clarity of the final product.

How many servings does the Ovalware cold brew coffee recipe yield?

This recipe yields approximately 4 servings of cold brew coffee.

Can I add milk or cream to the Ovalware cold brew coffee?

Yes, adding a splash of milk or cream can provide a creamy and smooth texture to your drink. However, this is a matter of personal preference and is not required for the recipe.

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