Enzymatic coffee has recently gained attention as a potential aid in weight loss. This special type of coffee is made by adding enzymes, which are proteins that speed up chemical reactions, during the roasting process. Enzymatic coffee is believed to enhance the breakdown of fat in the body, making it easier to burn off excess weight.

The enzymes added to the coffee beans are naturally occurring and include lipase, amylase, and protease. Lipase is the enzyme responsible for breaking down fat, while amylase breaks down carbohydrates, and protease breaks down proteins. By including these enzymes in the coffee, it is thought to improve the metabolism and promote weight loss.

Additionally, enzymatic coffee is also said to increase energy levels and reduce appetite, making it a popular choice for those trying to lose weight. It may also have other health benefits such as lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of diabetes.

While the effectiveness of enzymatic coffee for weight loss is still being studied, it is considered a natural and safe option for those looking to shed some pounds. With its unique properties and potential health benefits, enzymatic coffee is definitely worth considering for anyone looking to jumpstart their weight loss journey.

Choosing the Right Enzymatic Coffee Beans for Optimal Weight Loss

When selecting coffee beans for your enzymatic coffee, it is important to consider the type of beans used. Arabica beans are a popular choice, as they have a higher level of lipase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down fat. Robusta beans, on the other hand, have a higher caffeine content, which can boost metabolism and aid in weight loss. However, they may also have a stronger taste, which can be overwhelming for some. It is important to choose the right blend of beans that suits your taste preference and weight loss goals.

Enzymatic coffee for weight loss

enzymatic coffee for weight loss

moka coffee pot
Enzymatic coffee for weight loss is a special type of coffee made by adding enzymes to the roasting process. The enzymes added to the coffee beans are lipase, amylase, and protease, which break down fat, carbohydrates, and proteins, respectively. Enzymatic coffee is believed to enhance metabolism and promote weight loss.
Prep Time 6 minutes
Cook Time 4 minutes
10 minutes
Course Beverages
Cuisine Enzymatic coffee for weight loss does not belong to any specific cuisine and can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere in the world.
Servings 2 servings
Calories 10 kcal


  • 1 Coffee grinder
  • 1 French press or drip coffee maker
  • 1 kettle or pot
  • 1 Mug.


  • 2 cups water
  • 4 tablespoons enzymatic coffee beans


  • Grind 4 tablespoons of enzymatic coffee beans and add them to a French press or drip coffee maker.
  • Boil 2 cups of water and pour it over the coffee grounds.
  • Allow the coffee to steep for 4-5 minutes.
  • Optional: add a sprinkle of cinnamon or ginger to enhance the flavor.
  • Serve hot and enjoy.


Nutritional Values:
Each serving of enzymatic coffee contains approximately 10 calories, 0g fat, 2g carbohydrates, and 0g protein.
Any Additional Notes/Tips to Enhance the Flavor for the Recipe:
To enhance the flavor of enzymatic coffee, try adding a dash of cinnamon or ginger, or even a splash of almond milk or honey.
Keyword enzymatic coffee for weight loss

Maximizing the Effects of Enzymatic Coffee with Proper Brewing Techniques

To fully enjoy the weight loss benefits of enzymatic coffee, it is important to properly brew the coffee. A French press is an ideal brewing method as it allows the coffee to steep longer, which enhances the extraction of the enzymes from the beans. Additionally, adding cinnamon or ginger to your enzymatic coffee can further enhance its weight loss properties. Cinnamon has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, while ginger can increase thermogenesis, the process of burning calories to produce heat. By following these proper brewing techniques, you can maximize the benefits of enzymatic coffee for weight loss.


How often should I drink enzymatic coffee for weight loss?

You can drink enzymatic coffee daily, but it should not replace a healthy diet and exercise.

Is enzymatic coffee safe to drink?

Yes, enzymatic coffee is safe to drink as long as it is consumed in moderation and does not replace a balanced diet.

Can I use any type of coffee beans for this recipe?

It is recommended to use Arabica or Robusta beans, as they have higher levels of lipase and caffeine, respectively.

Can I make enzymatic coffee without a French press or drip coffee maker?

Yes, you can use any coffee brewing method, but a French press or drip coffee maker is recommended for optimal results.

Can I add sugar or cream to my enzymatic coffee?

Yes, you can add sugar or cream to your enzymatic coffee, but it may increase the calorie count and affect the weight loss benefits.

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