Alright, listen up, coffee aficionados! If you’re tired of your coffee burning your tongue and making your mornings a bit too intense, it’s time to switch to cold brew. This bad boy is smooth, low on acidity, and let’s be honest—way cooler than your regular cup of joe. Plus, it gives you that slow-burn caffeine kick we all secretly crave.

Now, I don’t want to toot my own horn, but cold brew is kind of my jam. I whip up a batch and let it steep overnight, so when the morning comes, I’m ready to conquer the day without breaking a sweat. I mean, who has the time to wait for hot coffee to cool down? Not me! Cold brew is my go-to for those days when I want to feel fancy, but let’s face it, I just want my coffee to taste like dessert without the guilt.

Recipe Details

  • Cuisine: American
  • Servings: 4 cups
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Brew Time: 12 hours
  • Total Time: 12 hours and 5 minutes


  • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee beans (because we’re not animals, right?)
  • 4 cups cold, filtered water (because your coffee deserves better than tap water)


  • Large jar or pitcher (bigger is better, trust me)
  • Coffee grinder (if you’re starting with whole beans—please do)
  • Fine mesh strainer or coffee filter (no one likes a gritty drink)
  • Cheesecloth (optional, but I’m not here to judge)
  • Measuring cups (for the perfectionists)

Preparation Steps

  1. Grind the Coffee: If you’re using whole beans (and you should be), grind them coarsely. Think of the texture of sea salt, but make it coffee.
  2. Combine Coffee and Water: Dump the coffee grounds into your large jar or pitcher. Pour in the cold, filtered water like you’re creating a masterpiece. Stir to make sure the coffee gets cozy with the water.
  3. Steep: Cover your jar or pitcher and let it hang out in the fridge for 12 hours. This is where the magic happens, folks. Go to bed, dream of coffee, wake up to cold brew.
  4. Strain the Coffee: After 12 hours, it’s time to get rid of those grounds. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh strainer or a coffee filter. If you’re feeling extra fancy, use some cheesecloth to catch every last bit. Discard the grounds (or compost them if you’re into that).
  5. Serve: Pour your cold brew over ice, and enjoy the smooth, rich flavors. Add your favorite plant-based milk or a splash of syrup if you’re feeling extra today. Store the rest in the fridge and sip on your genius creation for up to a week (but let’s be real, it won’t last that long).

Nutritional Information (Per Serving – 1 cup)

  • Calories: 2
  • Total Fat: 0g
  • Saturated Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 0g

Vitamins and Minerals (Per Serving)

  • Magnesium: 2%
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3): 2%
  • Potassium: 1%
  • Iron: 0%
  • Calcium: 0%

So there you have it—cold brew, Keeper Coffee-style. It’s easy, it’s smooth, and it’s guaranteed to make your mornings just a bit more bearable. Trust me, once you go cold brew, you’ll never go back.

Classic Cold Brew Coffee

Morgan James Eckroth
Alright, listen up, coffee aficionados! If you’re tired of your coffee burning your tongue and making your mornings a bit too intense, it’s time to switch to cold brew. This bad boy is smooth, low on acidity, and let’s be honest—way cooler than your regular cup of joe. Plus, it gives you that slow-burn caffeine kick we all secretly crave.
Prep Time 12 hours
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 12 hours 5 minutes
Servings 4 cups
Calories 2 kcal


  • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee beans because we’re not animals, right?
  • 4 cups cold filtered water (because your coffee deserves better than tap water)


  • Grind the Coffee: If you’re using whole beans (and you should be), grind them coarsely. Think of the texture of sea salt, but make it coffee.
  • Combine Coffee and Water: Dump the coffee grounds into your large jar or pitcher. Pour in the cold, filtered water like you’re creating a masterpiece. Stir to make sure the coffee gets cozy with the water.
  • Steep: Cover your jar or pitcher and let it hang out in the fridge for 12 hours. This is where the magic happens, folks. Go to bed, dream of coffee, wake up to cold brew.
  • Strain the Coffee: After 12 hours, it’s time to get rid of those grounds. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh strainer or a coffee filter. If you’re feeling extra fancy, use some cheesecloth to catch every last bit. Discard the grounds (or compost them if you’re into that).
  • Serve: Pour your cold brew over ice, and enjoy the smooth, rich flavors. Add your favorite plant-based milk or a splash of syrup if you’re feeling extra today. Store the rest in the fridge and sip on your genius creation for up to a week (but let’s be real, it won’t last that long).


Nutritional Information (Per Serving – 1 cup)

  • Calories: 2
  • Total Fat: 0g
  • Saturated Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Protein: 0g

Vitamins and Minerals (Per Serving)

  • Magnesium: 2%
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3): 2%
  • Potassium: 1%
  • Iron: 0%
  • Calcium: 0%
So there you have it—cold brew, Keeper Coffee-style. It’s easy, it’s smooth, and it’s guaranteed to make your mornings just a bit more bearable. Trust me, once you go cold brew, you’ll never go back.

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