Al Roker, the renowned American television personality and weather forecaster, has shared his much-loved recipe for cold brew coffee. This recipe has garnered a lot of attention from coffee enthusiasts and fans of Al Roker alike, who are always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to enjoy their coffee.

To create this refreshing beverage, Al Roker recommends using a coarse grind of coffee beans and steeping them in cold water for an extended period of time, typically overnight. This slow brewing process allows for a smoother, less acidic taste and a richer, more nuanced flavor.

Furthermore, Al Roker suggests experimenting with different types of coffee beans to find the perfect flavor profile for your taste buds. He also recommends adding a splash of milk or cream and a hint of sweetness to balance out the bold, robust flavor of the coffee.

With this recipe, Al Roker has provided coffee lovers with a simple and delicious way to enjoy their favorite beverage on a hot summer day or any time of the year. So, why not give Al Roker’s cold brew coffee recipe a try and taste the difference for yourself?

Choosing the Perfect Coffee Blend for Al Roker’s Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

When it comes to making the perfect cup of cold brew coffee, selecting the right coffee blend can make all the difference. The first step to achieving a rich, smooth, and flavorful brew is to choose high-quality coffee beans that are fresh and have a strong aroma.

For Al Roker’s cold brew coffee recipe, it’s recommended to choose a coffee blend that has a balanced taste and isn’t too bitter or acidic. A medium roast with a low acidity level is ideal for this recipe. Moreover, it’s essential to ensure that the coffee beans are coarsely ground to allow for the best extraction and to prevent over-extraction, which can result in a bitter taste.

Some coffee blends that work well for Al Roker’s cold brew coffee recipe are Sumatra, Colombian, and Guatemalan coffee blends. These blends have a robust, bold flavor that complements the slow brewing process and results in a rich and smooth coffee.

Grinding Coffee Beans for Al Roker’s Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

The grind size of the coffee beans is crucial when making cold brew coffee. The right grind size will allow for proper extraction and a rich, smooth flavor, while the wrong grind size can result in a bitter and weak brew.

For Al Roker’s cold brew coffee recipe, it’s recommended to use a coarse grind. A coarse grind allows for a slower extraction process and results in a smoother and less acidic taste. Using a fine grind can lead to over-extraction and make the coffee taste bitter.

To achieve the perfect grind size, it’s recommended to use a burr grinder. A burr grinder allows for more precise grinding and ensures that the coffee beans are ground evenly. Additionally, it’s essential to use fresh coffee beans and grind them just before brewing to ensure the best flavor and aroma.

By following these tips for grinding coffee beans, you can achieve the perfect cup of Al Roker’s cold brew coffee, with a rich and smooth flavor that’s perfect for a hot summer day or any time of the year.


What is cold brew coffee, and how is it different from regular coffee?

Cold brew coffee is a type of coffee that is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, usually overnight. The resulting brew is less acidic and smoother than regular coffee, which is made by brewing hot water through coffee grounds.

Can I use any type of coffee beans for Al Roker’s cold brew coffee recipe?

It’s recommended to choose a high-quality coffee blend that has a balanced taste and isn’t too bitter or acidic. Some coffee blends that work well for this recipe are Sumatra, Colombian, and Guatemalan coffee blends.

How long should I steep the coffee grounds for Al Roker’s cold brew coffee recipe?

It’s recommended to steep the coffee grounds in cold water for at least 12 hours, but some prefer to steep it for up to 24 hours for a stronger flavor.

How should I store the cold brew coffee after making it?

It’s recommended to store the cold brew coffee in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. You can also store it in the freezer for longer storage.

Can I add milk or sweeteners to Al Roker’s cold brew coffee recipe?

Yes, Al Roker recommends adding a splash of milk or cream and a hint of sweetness, such as sugar or simple syrup, to balance out the bold, robust flavor of the coffee.

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