Yo, folks, let’s talk iced coffee at Starbucks—because if you’re not ordering your iced coffee right, are you even living? I’m gonna break down the 12 Best Iced Coffee Orders for you, and trust me, it’s gonna be smoother than my uncle’s best pickup lines at the family BBQ

Caramel Vanilla Swirl Iced Coffee

  • Medium Iced Coffee
  • Two pumps of caramel swirl
  • Two pumps of vanilla swirl
  • Almond milk
  • Two packets of Stevia
  • Light ice
  • Optional(Vanilla Frosting)

Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso

  • Iced
  • Three shots of espresso
  • Two pumps of brown sugar syrup
  • Oatmilk
  • Shaken with ice
  • Light ice

Iced Caffè Americano

  • Iced
  • Three shots of espresso
  • Water
  • Light ice

Iced Caffè Latte

  • Iced
  • Two shots of espresso
  • Cold milk (your choice of type)
  • Light ice

Iced Caffè Mocha

  • Iced
  • Two shots of espresso
  • Two pumps of mocha sauce
  • Cold milk (your choice of type)
  • Light ice
  • Whipped cream on top (optional)

Iced Caramel Macchiato

  • Iced
  • Two shots of espresso
  • Vanilla syrup (usually three pumps for a medium)
  • Cold milk (your choice of type)
  • Light ice
  • Caramel drizzle on top

Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte

  • Iced
  • Two shots of espresso
  • Three pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup
  • Cold milk (your choice of type)
  • Light ice
  • Whipped cream and cinnamon dolce topping (optional)

Iced Coffee Clover Vertica

  • Iced
  • Brewed coffee from the Clover Vertica machine
  • Cold milk (your choice of type)
  • Sweetener (if desired)
  • Light ice

Iced Espresso

  • Iced
  • Two shots of espresso
  • Light ice

Iced Honey Almond milk Flat White

  • Iced
  • Two shots of espresso
  • Honey syrup (usually two pumps)
  • Almond milk
  • Light ice

Iced Shaken Espresso

  • Iced
  • Two shots of espresso
  • Sweetener (if desired)
  • Cold milk (your choice of type, if desired)
  • Shaken with ice
  • Light ice

Iced Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte

  • Iced
  • Two shots of Starbucks Blonde espresso
  • Vanilla syrup (usually three pumps for a medium)
  • Cold milk (your choice of type)
  • Light ice
  • Whipped cream on top (optional)

Oleato Golden Foam Iced Shaken Espresso with Toffeenut

  • Iced
  • Two shots of espresso
  • Toffeenut syrup (usually two pumps for a medium)
  • Cold milk (your choice of type)
  • Golden foam topping
  • Shaken with ice
  • Light ice

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